Early Morning Work
Refer to today’s flipchart pdf page 1 to complete your Beat It Test. One minute to complete the test. Then refer to flipchart pdf page 2 for the answers.
Phonics/Guided Reading
Please follow the link to today’s live lesson for Phonics session. This will depend on the group that you are in. There will be Guided Reading today as we didn’t have it yesterday for World Book Day, so you will need to stay on in your group.
For the Guided Reading questions, please refer to yesterday’s flipchart as I originally planned it to be delivered yesterday.
You will need the text to answer your questions again. See link below:
Please refer to the loom video for today’s English lesson:
During the teaching you will need to complete a practise task on p5.
Then for today’s tasks refer to pages 6-8
You will also need the text “Clay Modelling” text at hand for the session. Click the link.
For the tasks, refer to page 5 of today’s flipchart pdf.
Please refer to the loom video for today’s Maths lesson:
For some practise tasks during the main teaching, refer to pages 11,13 and 14.
Then for today’s tasks to complete, refer to p15-17
Refer to the loom video for today’s Curriculum lesson which is PSHE:
Refer to page 20 of today’s flipchart for today’s task.
Celebration Assembly
Please follow the link for Celebration Assembly at 2:15
Story Time
Follow the link to join KS1 story time at 2:30.
Welcome Back Video
Please watch a special video Miss Mayer and I have created for you at any time over the weekend, ready for when we see you on Monday. We can’t wait to have you back!