Academy Transformation Trust is the admissions authority for Sun Academy Bradwell.
How to apply for a Reception place
The application process for Reception places is detailed on the Staffordshire website each year (link below).
You can apply online at
Alternatively you can make a paper application, these can also be obtained by contacting the school office or from
Please note that if you attend our Nursery you still need to apply for a Reception place.
How to apply for a Nursery place
Admission to the Nursery is normally open to children resident within our catchment area. It is on an ‘oldest first’ basis and the placement can begin from the term after your child turns 3.
Our Application form for Nursery can be sent to your phone – please contact the school office to be sent the link ( We strongly suggest you put your child’s name down early on the waiting list to ensure they are able to join our setting at a date that suits you.
To find out more about our outstanding Ofsted rated Nursery head over to the Early Years information page.
We are a 30-hour childcare provider. For more details about nursery funding go to
In-year admission
We strongly advise you visit any school which you are choosing to move to so that you know if it fits your ethos and vision for your child. Tours of our academy can be arranged via the office – please contact
In-Year admissions occur when an application for admission is made outside the normal admissions round. Applications can be made via
Alternatively you can make a paper application, these can be obtained from the academy office ( or by going to
If you are choosing to join us, please let us now that you have submitted the form. If we are full in the classes you would like to join we can add you to our waiting list.
Admission to secondary and high school
For our year 6 pupils application to their chosen high schools must be completed to set deadlines each year – these are detailed on the Staffordshire website (as below).
Applications can be made on line at
Please note late applications are processed after those submitted on time and therefore greatly increase your chances of not getting the school you wanted.
Parents receive outcomes on National Offer Day – details of which are on the Staffordshire website each year.