
Please follow the link to today’s live lesson for the Guided Reading. This will depend on the group that you are in. Please then stay on for the phonics session.

Guided Reading/Phonics

The text you will speed read today is part of the text, “Who Made This Teapot?”. The link is below.

The Very Special Teapot

Miss Mayer’s group

Mr Bunting’s group

This morning’s phonics session recorded in class given Teams wouldn’t load my end. Watch this link below:

Once you have done this, could you practise reading the text “A Very Special Teapot” a few times and record your times. Very sorry about today’s technical problems.

Early Morning Work

Please practise this week’s spellings.

Look at them, cover them, write them, check them


Please stay on Teams following from your Guided Reading session as you are in the same groups.


Please refer to the loom video for today’s English lesson:

English video

You will also need the text “Clay Modelling” text at hand for the session. Click the link.

Clay Modelling Text

During the main teaching, refer to some practise tasks on p6 and p8

For the tasks, refer to pages 9-11 of today’s flipchart pdf.


Please refer to the loom video for today’s Maths lesson:

Maths video

You will also need to use page  13-16 of today’s flipchart pdf to practise some work before today’s tasks.

For the tasks, refer to pages 17-18 of today’s flipchart pdf


Refer to the loom video for today’s Curriculum lesson:

Curriculum video

Your task is on p22 of today’s flipchart pdf.

Story time

Follow the link to join KS1 story time.

Story time