This week’s book is… Funny Bones Mystery Tour!

Early Morning Work

Please practice writing your name. Remember that you need to use a capital letter at the start of your name followed by lower case letters.

Live lesson

Click here to join the meeting

World Book Day!

Snuggle down with your favourite book and read the story to a grown up.

Can you make a mask of a character from your story? My favourite book is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. It was the first ‘big’ book I read as a little girl and I can still remember the excitement of turning the pages to see what happened next in the story. I will be making a Lion mask because my favourite character from the story was Aslan.


Click on the button to watch today’s phonics lesson.

Music and movement

For all you Pete the Cat fans in Reception and to get you school ready for next week here’s ‘Pete the Cat Rocking in my School Shoes!’

Story time

Click on the link to watch the animated version of Funny Bones ‘The Pet Shop’

Join us for our whole school story time