Early Morning Work
Happy Friday.
Can you use your play dough to show how you are feeling today e.g. happy face/sad face.
Click on the button to join in with our daily Wake up Shake up and join in with our Good Morning Song.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Today is our PE Focus. Please click on the link below to join in with Sticky Kids – Body Movement
Then Cross the River with Mr James…. Problem solving!
Can you help your a grown up to make a fruit kebab for your lunch?
Click on the button to access todays Phonics
Click on the button to look at an idea on how to make a Garden Obstacle Course. How creative can you be to make your own? We would love it if you could share your ideas.
Before story time have you celebrated our Dojo and Special Person winners? Celebrate with us.
Celebration Assembly
Join us for our whole school celebration assembly at 2:15
Story time
Todays story is It’s My Turn. We are always trying to take turns in Nursery. Next time you play a game, can you take turns?
Join us for our whole school story time