At Sun Academy Bradwell, we use the National Curriculum and it’s guidance to inform our english aims and attainment targets.

English national curriculum – Primary


The english curriculum is structured into genre blocks. At the start of every block there is at least one weeks worth of emersion in the genre through reading and immersion in the text. Alongside this there are 2 to 3  ‘guided’ reading sessions per week for each class/child.

The text that are chosen sit alongside the wider curriculum so that all subjects compliment each other and there is a constant exposure to reading for purpose and pleasure.

Home-school reading books pull from a range of schemes such as oxford reading tree, project x and what we class as ‘real’ books that you would find in any book store / library. A reading record is provided in which parents are asked to comment. We greatly appreciate the support of parents in this area.

Our aim is that all children have a true passion for books and reading which develops their love of books and continues into adulthood.

Reading – end of year expectations


Pupils in our Early years and key stage 1 have a phonics lesson every day which lasts for approximately 20-25 minutes. Phonics is utilised in all English lessons and children are continually encouraged and prompted to use the phonics skills they have learned.

The academy uses the Jolly Phonics  systematic synthetic phonics programme. The planning and pupil books are used as part of the teaching and learning to scaffold tasks for the children. More information can be found on the link below.


Spelling and handwriting

All pupils in key stage 1 and 2 have a 15 minute lesson each day that has a focus on handwriting and spelling. There is a weekly spelling test and in year 5 and 6 these lessons offer an opportunity to apply to other basic skills.


Within the genre blocks, pupils unpick and learn about the grammar styles and composition of the genre. This process is undertaken over a two to three week period and pupils have the opportunity to apply their learning. The academy uses Jane Considine’s ‘The Write Stuff’ to support with the teaching of writing. At the end of the genre block there is an Aspiring authors opportunity. Aspiring authors uses a range of drama techniques which assist with the emphasis of specific vocabulary and experiential learning which  is pictorial and kinaesthetic. Pupils have the opportunity from the aspiring authors input to plan, draft, redraft and create a final write in the  genre of the block.

Writing non negotiables in grid